Military-Country46 Tributes paid to Brit Security Contractors killed in Kabul attack Tributes have been paid to a British contractor who died when a suicide bomber rammed a military convoy in Afghanistan. Electrician and father-of-one David Quinn, from Airdrie in North Lanarkshire, was one of two Britons killed in the attack which claimed the lives of 17 people. The Taliban suicide bomber hit an armoured NATO vehicle as the convoy was passing the American University in Kabul, ki.. 2011. 11. 2. DOD Identifies Army Casualties Afghanistan The Department of Defense announced today the deaths of four soldiers who were supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. They died Oct. 29, in Kabul province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked their vehicle with a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device. Killed were: Lt. Col. David E. Cabrera, 41, of Abilene, Texas, assigned to Uniformed Services University of Health Scie.. 2011. 11. 2. ISAF Joint Command morning operational update Afghanistan KABUL, Afghanistan — A combined Afghan and coalition security force killed two insurgents and detained one suspected insurgent during an operation in search of a Haqqani network leader in Yahya Khel district, Paktika province, yesterday. The leader oversees multiple insurgent fighting cells and is responsible for numerous attacks against Afghan forces. The security force observed two armed insur.. 2011. 11. 2. 차세대 전투기 사업 3파전 치열… 한국형 전투기 기술 확보할 절호의 기회 록히드 마틴·보잉·유로파이터, 첨단 기술 이전 앞다퉈 제안… 내년 10월 최종 선정하기로 내년 10월쯤 기종이 선정될 예정인 공군 차세대 전투기(F-X) 3차 사업 경쟁이 과열되면서 F-X 3차 사업을 한국형 전투기(KFX) 개발의 핵심 기술 확보를 위한 절호의 기회로 활용해야 한다는 목소리가 높아지고 있다. KFX사업(일명 보라매사업)은 KF-16보다 더 성능이 우수한 중간급 성능 전투기를 인도네시아 등과 함께 개발하는 것이다. 국내 개발이 어려운 고성능 전투기는 F-X 3차 사업으로 60대를 직도입하고, 이보다 다소 성능이 떨어지는 중간급 전투기는 KFX사업으로 개발해 120대 정도를 보유하겠다는 것이다. F-X 3차 사업은 공군의 고성능 전투기 60대를 2016년부터 도입하는 것으로 미국 록히드 마.. 2011. 10. 26. A computer virus has hit the US Predator and Reaper drone fleet The unmanned MQ-9 Predator B is seen in Sierra Vista, Arizona in 2006. A computer virus has hit the US Predator and Reaper drone fleet that Washington deploys to hunt down militants, logging the keystrokes of pilots remotely flying missions, Wired magazine reported. (AFP Photo/Gary Williams) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Virus hits US .. 2011. 10. 10. ADD가 개발중인 국산 MUAV가 미산 HUAV(Global Hawk)를 과연 대체 가능할까? ADD가 개발중인 중고도 무인정찰기(MUAV), 최근 국방과학연구소에(ADD)에서 개발중인 '중고도 무인정찰기(MUAV)가 11월 비행시험을 할예정입니다. 국산 MUAV가 작년 5월에 시제기가 제작하여 연구개발을 계속하고 있습니다. 특히 개발중인 MUAV의 국산화율을 높여서 제작 및 운영노하우를 습득하는데 큰 목적이 있다 하겠습니다. 이를 보도한 한언론에 밝힌 국방부관계자 코멘트는 "국내에서 개발된 전자광학ㆍ적외선 영상장비(EO/IR)와 전천후 영상레이더(SAR)를 비행체에 탑재해 비행시험을 할 계획”이라고 합니다. MUAV는 고도 10㎞ 상공에서 지상의 목표물을 정찰하는 무인기로, 탑재될 레이더의 탐지거리는 200여 ㎞에 이르는 것으로 알려지고 있습니다. 현재 MUAV에 개발투자된것은 약 1600억원에.. 2011. 9. 10. Denel to probe Cheetah in-flight incident One of 12 former South African Air Force (SAAF) fighter aircraft, sold to Ecuador for more than R550-million, has been quarantined following an unspecified "in-flight" incident in the South American country. On Thursday Denel Group spokesperson Sinah Phochana confirmed that a Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana (FAE) pilot was hospitalised after suffering injuries on Monday. "Denel Aviation confirms that o.. 2011. 9. 1. Obama government begins consultation with Congress over drone sale to S. Korea: report Seoul remains concerned over its exorbitant price increase The Obama administration is consulting with the U.S. Congress on plans to sell to South Korea Global Hawk surveillance planes and related ground facilities, Reuters reported on Wednesday, citing two sources. South Korea has been seeking to purchase the high-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle as part of efforts to bolster its defense capabi.. 2011. 9. 1. Two NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan Attacks in the south of Afghanistan have reportedly killed two members of the United States-led military alliance, NATO. The forces said the deaths took place on Sunday one in an insurgent attack and the other in a bomb explosion, AP reported. The alliance did not disclose further information and is awaiting confirmation on the part of the families of the soldiers. The deaths increased to at lea.. 2011. 8. 29. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 다음