Car/BOSCH43 Acceleration sensor for infotainment systems Bosch’s new SMA130 triaxial acceleration sensor provides information for infotainment and telematics applications in vehicles. “Until now, automakers have mainly used data from acceleration sensors for safety systems,” says Dr. Frank Schäfer, head of product management for automotive MEMS sensors. “The SMA130, on the other hand, delivers the data needed for eCall emergency notification and navig.. 2015. 3. 9. Bosch ACC automatically maintains the right distance News of severe rear-end collisions appears in newspapers and online media almost daily. The chain of events leading up to such collisions usually goes like this: high traffic density, insufficient distance to the vehicle ahead, a brief moment of distraction – and then crunch. In the last four years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of traffic casualties caused by a failure to mai.. 2014. 9. 30. The new Bosch HEF109-L starter motor for commercial vehicles Large-volume engines place great demands on starters. At the top end of the power range, Bosch has a new addition to its 24-volt starter motor portfolio: the HEF109-L “large” heavy-duty starter motor for commercial vehicles and off-highway applications. The powerful starter motor generates 18 percent more power than the tried and tested “M” (medium) type starter motor on which it is based, and t.. 2014. 8. 22. Bosch Press Information from the division Automotive technology Motorcycling is becoming safer. From 2008 to 2013, the number of motorcyclists who had fatal accidents on Germany’s roads fell by 13 percent to 568. Experts believe that one reason for the decline is the spread of anti-lock braking systems. Summarizing the findings from the German In-Depth Accident Study GIDAS, Gerhard Steiger, president of the Bosch Chassis Systems Control division, says: “ABS .. 2014. 8. 4. Gasoline or Diesel? Rule of thumb: The generally accepted rule is that diesel is worthwhile for people who drive a lot, and that anyone else should choose a gasoline-driven car. After all, a diesel-powered car consumes up to 25 percent less fuel, but gasoline-powered cars are often cheaper in terms of purchase price, insurance, and running costs. In Germany, depending on the model, a diesel-powered car will be wort.. 2014. 7. 29. Gas-powered cars: CNG is not LPG What are the advantages of gas-powered vehicles?Both CNG and LPG powertrain systems are cheaper and more eco-friendly in cars than diesel or gasoline systems. Their combustion is comparably cleaner, reducing emissions of particulates and nitrogen oxides. Both fuels are also cheaper than gasoline or diesel. Thanks to low production costs and tax incentives, compressed natural gas (CNG) costs driv.. 2014. 7. 29. World's leading supplier Four billion Bosch MEMS sensors Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) sensors are indispensable in cars and smart phones today. These tiny sensors are becoming ever smarter, more compact, and more energy efficient. With help from MEMS sensors, even more things can become connected; in fact, anything can connect with anything else on the internet of things – including things that have never before featured electronics, such a.. 2014. 6. 30. Uta-Micaela Dürig appointed to the board of management of the Robert Bosch Stiftung Effective July 1, 2015, after 31 years in communications and the media, and roughly eleven successful years as head of corporate communications at the supplier of technology and services Robert Bosch GmbH, Uta-Micaela Dürig (50) will be moving to the board of management of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, Stuttgart. The Robert Bosch Stiftung is one of the largest company-affiliated foundations in Euro.. 2014. 6. 30. 한국보쉬, 직분사 가솔린& 디젤 엔진 생산에 대규모 투자 예정! 한국로버트보쉬가 디젤 및 가솔린 직분사 제품 생산의 현지화를 추진하는 등 올해만 총 620억원을 투자할 계획이라고 밝혔다. 헤르만 캐스 한국로버트보쉬 사장은 17일 서울 플라자호텔에서 연례 기자간담회를 열고 "올해 설립 25주년을 맞는 한국 내 보쉬는 핵심 사업 부문들의 강화하고 지속적인 투자와 사업다각화를 통해 장기적 성장 발판을 마련했다"며 "올해는 자동차 기술 사업 부문의 매출 증가를 통해 연내 두자리 수 성장이 기대된다"고 말했다. 이어 그는 "올해 보쉬는 한국에 620억원을 이상을 투자할 계획"이라며 "이 중 약 600억원은 대전공장의 디젤 및 가솔린 직접 분사 제품 생산의 현지화를 위해 투자할 것"이라고 설명했다. 환경부에 따르면 국내시장의 경우 오는 2015년부터 2019년까지 연비는 17k.. 2014. 6. 18. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음