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Space Exploration - Commercial Crew Development Commercial Crew Development September 2010: The CST-100, comprised of a Crew Module and a Service Module, draws on Apollo-proven aerodynamic characteristics in a design employing modern, cost-effective technologies. The CST-100 can carry a crew of seven and will be used to support the International Space Station and Bigelow Orbital Space Complex. Photo Credit: Boeing photo Neg. #: MTF10-003-02 2011. 5. 15.
Space Exploration - Commercial Crew Development Commercial Crew Development September 2010: In partnership with Boeing, Bigelow Aerospace has fabricated a full-scale crew module mockup incorporating a medium-fidelity representation of outer mold line and crew compartment interior features. The crew compartment will be fitted with crew displays and controls, lighting, crew seats, windows, lockers, and cargo containers. The mockup will be used .. 2011. 5. 15.
Space Exploration - Ares Space Exploration - Ares 2011. 5. 15.
Space Exploration - Ares extended view Space Exploration - Ares extended view 2011. 5. 15.
Space Exploration - Ares I Upper Stage Space Exploration - Ares I Upper Stage 2011. 5. 15.
Space Exploration - Ares in orbit Space Exploration - Ares in orbit 2011. 5. 15.
Space Exploration - Ares launch Space Exploration - Ares launch 2011. 5. 15.
Space Exploration - CAPPS ISS Node 2 processing Space Exploration - CAPPS ISS Node 2 processing 2011. 5. 15.
Space Exploration - International Space Station Space Exploration - International Space Station 2011. 5. 15.