Car48 Bosch, GS Yuasa, and Mitsubishi Corporation to double capacity of electric vehicle battery Stuttgart / Kyoto / Tokyo – Robert Bosch GmbH and the Japanese companies GS Yuasa International Ltd., based in Kyoto, and Mitsubishi Corporation, based in Tokyo, have set up a joint venture. Known as Lithium Energy and Power GmbH & Co. KG, the new company will be headquartered in Stuttgart. It will develop next-generation lithium-ion battery technology. This next generation is needed in order to.. 2014. 2. 12. Connected solutions can create jobs in Germany Bosch Press Information from the sector Bosch Software InnovationsFirst Bosch ConnectedWorld ConferenceConnected solutions can create jobs in GermanyConference in Berlin attended by more than 400 experts Success of networked solutions depends on high level of benefitSecond conference planned for 2015New alliances for the internet of things Stuttgart/Berlin – If the internet of things is to gain .. 2014. 2. 11. Bosch Expands Repair Service for Faulty Electronic Parts Bosch Electronic Service is expanding its range of products and helping workshops to repair vehicles with faulty electronic components in a cost-effective way. Alongside the option of a traditional repair or the installation of a new part, workshops can now also get hold of a reconditioned part within 24 hours. This new option keeps waiting times down for the end customer and also provides a cos.. 2014. 2. 10. German Federal President Joachim Gauck visits Bosch Vocational Center in Bangalore Bangalore – The German Federal President Joachim Gauck today visited the Bosch Vocational Center (BVC) in Bangalore. On his tour of the center, the president was given insights into the Bosch Group's activities in vocational training, and in particular how it trains young people in India for technical trades. “Bosch as a company has always been acknowledged for its commitment to building talent .. 2014. 2. 8. Bosch opens new regional subsidiary in Kenya Nairobi, Kenya – On February 6, 2014, the Bosch Group opened a new sales and service subsidiary in Nairobi, the Kenyan capital. The supplier of technology and services plans to start operations in the east African country with five associates, offering auto parts and testing equipment, workshop concepts, power tools, and security systems. Given the rapid growth of Africa's population, a very low.. 2014. 2. 7. Bosch receives VDA Logistics Award for the virtual reflection of supply chains Frankfurt. Bosch has received the Association of German Car Manufacturers' (VDA) Logistics Award. The global supplier of technology and services has been awarded the prize for completely virtualizing physical flows of goods, which can now be tracked in real time with intelligent software systems. The analysis of the data obtained helps manage and further improve processes. Successful data sharin.. 2014. 2. 5. Bosch at Auto Expo 2014 in India To mark the 2014 Auto Expo trade show, Bosch is showcasing innovations and product highlights for the first time in an exposition of its own, to be held in Greater Noida near New Delhi. At this “Bosch Tech Expo,” customers from around the world will be able to see innovative technology for themselves, for example during test drives, and to talk in-depth with experts. The exposition will take pla.. 2014. 2. 4. 한국보쉬, 디젤시스템 사업파트 사장에 최의준 공장장 선임 보쉬그룹은 최의준 한국보쉬 디젤시스템 사업파트 대전공장 공장장을 한국보쉬 디젤시스템 사업부 신임 사장으로 선임했다고 9일 밝혔다. 최의준 신임 사장은 1995년 한국 보쉬 기전(KBME)에 입사해 독일에서 자동차 기술 사업부 ABS 생산 부서장으로 근무했다. 한국로버트보쉬 대전공장 커먼레일 인젝터(CRI) 프로젝트 리더·생산 총괄, 보쉬 생산 시스템(BPS)을 담당했다. 또한 최의준 사장은 독일에서 자동차 기술 사업부 ABS 프로젝트 리더를 비롯해 보쉬 생산 시스템(BPS) 및 지속적 개선을 위한 절차(CIP) 프로젝트 매니저로 일했으며, 독일 보쉬 디젤시스템 본사인 포이어바흐(Feuerbach)에서 근무하며 커먼레일 고압펌프(CP3) 생산을 담당하기도 했다. / Photo & Report provide.. 2014. 1. 28. Bosch CEO Denner: seizing opportunities presented by digital networking together Reutlingen – German companies need to work together to seize the opportunities and possibilities presented by networking over the internet. These were the words of Dr. Volkmar Denner, chairman of the Bosch board of management, at a gathering of industry representatives in Reutlingen. He went on to say how important it is to work together in both interdisciplinary and cross-sector ways, and that .. 2014. 1. 28. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 다음