SIBAT Organization Structure
IMD-SIBAT.pdfAbout Us
Israel is known around the world for its pioneering, operationally-proven defense systems - which are developed by its defense industries, and implemented all around the globe. These innovative systems are developed in order to provide effective and advanced capabilities to meet all threats.
SIBAT, the Israel MOD International Defense Cooperation directorate is uniquely positioned as an essential division within the Israel Ministry of Defense (IMOD), while having a close, ongoing relationship with the defense industry. This combination ensures SIBAT to maintain in-depth and up-to-date knowledge of the defense world’s relevant concepts, as well as a clear understanding of the Israel Defense Forces' (IDF) operational needs.
SIBAT's Assignment
- Cooperate with & support the efforts of the Israeli defense industries
- Establish connections in target countries
- Locate & initiate business opportunities
- Reflect the marketing status picture & provide relevant business information
- Sell excess IDF materiel
- Lead the national defense export effort
SIBAT's Vision
- Partake in the growth of the Israeli defense industry
- Tap into international markets & new fields of activity
- Promote a culture of sharing & cooperation for the benefit of Israel's defense exports
- Strive for excellence & promptness of response and maintain on-going learning & efficiency improvement processes
- Maintain strict integrity & the highest ethics and operate on the basis of an in-depth understanding of the defense export world
- Strive to establish Israel as a global leader in the field
SIBAT Facilitates international cooperation through its various services
- Generating Government–to-Government agreements
- Initiating official foreign delegations
- Identifying business opportunities with the Israeli defense industry
- Pinpointing the relevant technological solutions for specific requirements
- Establishing of joint ventures
- Conducting advanced training seminars
- Managing the sales of IDF inventory
- Providing quality assurance and technical support services for G-to-G agreements
- Providing in-depth information on Israel’s defense industry through biennial directory
- Producing conferences; showcasing Israel’s technologies and capabilities under one roof through the Israel National Pavilion; attending global fairs & exhibitions and facilitating direct contact with participating industries
SIBAT’s extensive global presence - backed by knowledgeable, well-trained representatives - enables effective cooperation and coordination between Israeli and foreign companies, and between Israel and governments around the world.
SIBAT has amassed the capabilities and experience required in order to operate effectively in any of these three business models:
- G to G – Government-to-Government: As a government agency, SIBAT works directly with other governments
- C to G – Company-to-Government: With its extensive knowledge of Israeli defense manufacturers, SIBAT matches relevant companies to each country's technological needs
- C to C – Company-to-Company: SIBAT continually seeks opportunities for various types of
cooperation, and assists in locating the best-suited technological solutions and partners.