지속가능성 디자인에 중점을 둔 친환경 디자인
2012 런던 올림픽 지원 차량 소개 및 BMW 그룹의 최신 차량 전시
2012 런던 올림픽 공식 파트너 BMW 그룹은 런던 올림픽 공원에 BMW그룹 공식 전시관인 ‘BMW 파빌리온’을 개관했다고 밝혔다.
BMW 파빌리온은 올림픽 주경기장과 아쿠아틱 센터를 배경으로 마치 양 옆으로 흐르는 강물 위에 떠있는 형상으로, 강 위에 솟아있는 조형물이 인상적이다. BMW 파빌리온 디자인의 핵심적인 가치는 ‘지속가능성’으로, 워터웍스 강에서 공급되는 물이 건물의 양쪽 벽면을 타고 흐르면서 건물을 식혀주는 역할을 한 뒤 다시 강으로 돌려보내진다. 또한 콘크리트 같은 탄소 자재의 사용을 최소화하고 재활용도가 높은 원료의 강철을 건물 뼈대로 사용했다.
총 2층 규모로 마련된 파빌리온의 1층 전시 공간은 2012 런던 올림픽에 지원되는 BMW 차량에 대한 정보를 만나볼 수 있으며, BMW 그룹의 미래 이동수단에 대한 비전과 지속가능성, 그리고 2012 런던올림픽과 BMW그룹의 파트너십과 스포츠 발전에 대한 인터랙티브 영상이 상영된다.
여기에 BMW E 스쿠터와 최근 발표된 전기 자전거 컨셉인 BMW i 페델릭(BMW i Pedelec)과 같은 프로토타입 모델, 그리고 2012 런던 올림픽에서 영감을 받아 영국 국기 유니언 잭을 상징하는 컬러로 제작된 MINI 로켓맨이 전시된다. 9개의 부스로 이뤄진 옥상 부스에는 BMW i3, i8 컨셉카를 비롯해 BMW 3시리즈 투어링과 같이 현재와 미래를 대변하는 BMW그룹의 최신모델이 전시된다.
BMW 파빌리온은 2012 런던 올림픽과 장애인 올림픽 기간 중 올림픽 공원 방문객들에게 무료로 개방된다.
한편, BMW 그룹은 2012 런던 올림픽에서 지정한 탄소배출량 목표를 충족시켜 올림픽 공식 파트너로 선정됐다. BMW그룹은 이피션트다이내믹스, 하이브리드 차량과 모터사이클 지원 및 선수 및 관계자들의 중요한 이동수단인 자전거를 제공하면서 성공적인 올림픽 운영에 핵심적인 역할을 담당하고 있다.
BMW Group unveils London 2012 Olympic Park Pavilion
The final countdown to London 2012 has begun and BMW Group today unveiled their Olympic Park Pavilion, expected to draw thousands of visitors each day of the Games.
Conceived by an award-winning British architecture firm, the BMW Group Pavilion represents a significant architectural addition to the Olympic Park, showing an exciting range of the company’s latest vehicles against the backdrop of the Olympic Stadium and Aquatics Centre. The structure also underlines the company’s longstanding commitment to design and sustainability with an array of individual rooftop pavilions exhibiting current models as well as concept cars of the future.
The Pavilion is light and open, appearing to ‘float’ on the river as water flows down the sides of the structure to create a constantly changing façade, whilst simultaneously accentuating its position on an elevated platform on the Waterworks River. The lower floor exhibition area is dedicated to the London 2012 Games fleet and interactive displays for guests to learn more about the BMW Group’s vision for the future of individual transport, its approach to sustainability and wider London 2012 partnership activities. These include how the Group has helped elite and aspiring athletes on their road to 2012 and brought improvements to the sporting world through technology. Also on display are prototype models including the BMW E-Scooter and the BMW i Pedelec concept – a recently announced concept electrically-assisted bicycle, and a new-look MINI Rocketman Concept, a revised version of the original Rocketman concept, first seen at the 2011 Geneva Motor Show. Inspired by London 2012 and paying tribute to our capital, the new MINI Rocketman has a Union Jack-inspired colour scheme.
In an intimate cinema space a special film is shown before an opportunity to view the upper floor product displays. The top deck, comprising of nine individual rooftop pavilions, displays current and future BMW Group vehicles including the BMW i3 Concept, the BMW i8 Concept and the new generation BMW 3 Series Touring.
Tim Abbott, Managing Director, BMW Group UK comments: “The role of the Pavilion is two-fold – to explain the support we’re providing as the Official Automotive Partner to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, but also to provide a powerful visual symbol of our commitment to the highest standards of innovation in design and sustainability. We look forward to welcoming visitors and guests to the BMW Group Pavilion throughout the Games.”
Water plays a central role in the Pavilion’s design. The Waterworks River provides the water, which is filtered and used to cool the building as it flows down the walls, before being returned to the river. The upper floor is surrounded by water, reflecting views of the Olympic Park and each of the rooftop pavilions has a distinctive, light roof and slender, straight columns, designed to complement other Olympic Park structures including the Velodrome.
Principal architect Christopher Lee comments: “As a British-based practice, we were delighted to be selected to work with BMW Group for the UK’s first Olympic and Paralympic Games since 1948. It’s not every day that one has the opportunity to work with a brand like BMW on such a global stage and we are proud that the finished result will be seen by thousands of people during London 2012.”
In line with BMW Group’s commitment to sustainability, the environment was a key consideration in the design of the company’s 800m2 Pavilion. As well as the filtering and recycling of the river water, steel with high recycled content provides the structural backbone and use of other carbon-intensive materials such as concrete has been minimised.
The BMW Group Pavilion will be accessible throughout the Olympic and Paralympic Games to all Olympic Park visitors and provides an opportunity for members of the public to learn more about the company’s latest innovations and role at the Games first-hand.
/ MediaPaper.KR mediapaper@ymail.com Sejin Oh
/ The News Article was written by receiving a Press Release.
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